Components of C language
There are five main component of C language :- 1. The character set: Any alphabet ,digit or special symbol ,used to represent information is denoted by character. The character in C are grouped into four categories:- i) Letters A...Z and a...z ii) Digits 0,1,2,.....9 iii) Special Symbol ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * () . < > ? / " : ; { }[ ]. iv) White Space,blank space, Carriage return, form feed, newline, horizontal tab. C uses the uppercase letter A to Z, the lowercase letters a to z, the digits 0 to 9, and certain special characters as building blocks to form basic program elements ( e.g., constants, variables, operators, expressions, etc. Some of the special characters are listed below: + - * ~ % / & ( ) { } [ ] ? " < > ! ; : Most versions of the language also allow certain other characters, such as @ and $, to be included within strings and comments. C uses certain combinations of these characters, such as \b,\n and \t, to represent spe...
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