
Showing posts from October, 2016

Dictionary Program in C language

Hello Guys, Today I am going to post a nice dictionary program, developed in "C" Language, by using 2-Dimensional Array. Following is the code and output  of the program. 1. Source Code of the Program:  #include<stdio.h> //Standard Input-Output, Header File #include<conio.h> //Console input-Output Header File #include<string.h> // Header file for String Handling #include<graphics.h> // Header File for graphics-implementation int g1,g2;    //global variable for storing position to fetch the record. //Functions for each alphabet to store and fetch word-meanings. char A() {  char x[50][100]={"aberrant=deviating ","abate=subside/diminish","abominable=unequivocally detestable; loathsome.","abscond=to leave hurriedly and secretly.","abyssopelagic=of, like or pertaining to the depths of the ocean.","absolution=the act of absolving or the state of being absolved.","acata